I used a simplified rep state to create the bend back while the flat pattern was excluded.
Sheet metal flat pattern drafting.
In a sheet metal part create a new configuration.
The paper generally used for sheet metal pattern drafting is known as brown detail paper.
The flat pattern drawing doesn t always list these factors.
It can be bought of almost any width in large or small rolls and is sold by the yard or pound.
To create a flatten view in drafting.
In the sheet metal view area select flat pattern view.
The select face in the upward face tab highlighted in the flat pattern dialog box.
Flat pattern in nx drafting.
However for finished drawings white craft paper is more suitable.
1 1 1 scriber lines are drawn on sheet metal with a scribe or scratch awl coupled with a steel scale or a straightedge.
The paper should be of medium thickness very strong and tough because.
Dimensions given on a flat pattern are affected by several bending factors like k factor and bend radius during the 3d modeling stage.
Some of the more common layout tools are scriber flat steel square combination square protractor prick punch dividers trammel points and circumference ruler.
Right click flat pattern and select unsuppress.
Click the flat pattern command.
Select process bends and all of the features after it.
The proper relation of views in a drawing.
Activate the sheet metal application.
And it could well be unstable in case one tries to make changes.
How to dimension a drawing.
However to match the other dimensions that are included it would require your manufacturer to work with incorrect or unachievable sheet metal.
Calculator will calculate the necessary dimensions for the construction flat pattern segments lobsterback bend elbow tee piece frustum cone and truncated pipe truncated cone with an accessible vertex and triangulation method.
In the sheet metal application select the face on the sheet metal model to specify a reference face for flattening.
If appropriate select or clear the selection of the recover punch center option.
The sheet metal cleat the work of this problem will consist in laying out to full size the views and pattern for a galvanized sheet metal cleat.
Click edit suppress this configuration to suppress all of the selected features.
Click place views tab create panel base.
Flat pattern sheet metal drawing i just confirmed it can be done but it doesn t make sense why.
Layout tools are used for drawing fabrication jobs on metal.
Set other options in the drawing view dialog and then click in the drawing to place the view.
In the drawing view dialog box select a sheet metal component as file.
Calculation flat pattern used as a template for cutting the pipe producing with wall thickness s 0.