If these instructions do not match your product or you are unable to find the information you need please call customer service at 1 866 472 4001.
Pottery barn loft bed with desk instructions.
Assembly instructions for our furniture products are available for you to download.
Assembly instructions are in pdf format.
Recommended maximum weight full sized loft bed.
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If these instructions do not match your product or you are unable to find the information you need please call customer service at 1 866 472 4001.
Assembly instructions for our furniture products are available for you to download.
If these instructions do not match your product or you are unable to find the information you need please call customer service at 1 866 472 4001 assembly instructions are in pdf format.
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We recommend this loft bed for rooms with 9 foot ceilings and taller make sure to include ceiling fans and hanging lights when measuring your space.
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If these instructions do not match your product or you are unable to find the information you need please call customer service at 1 888 779 5176.
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